
Savings Rates

This Truth-In-Savings (TIS) Rate and Fee Schedule for your Savings (Share) and Checking Accounts sets forth certain conditions, rates, fees, and charges applicable to your Primary Savings (Share) Account, your Secondary Savings (Share) Accounts including your Individual Retirement Account, your Share Certificate Accounts and your Checking (Share Draft) Accounts at StagePoint FCU as of the date set forth on top of this form. This Rate and Fee Schedule is incorporated as a part of your Account Agreement with StagePoint FCU. Additional Truth-In-Savings Disclosures are set forth in your new account packet. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.

Truth-in-Savings/Rate Schedule

Checking and Savings Accounts

Account rates
Type of Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Minimum Average Daily
Balance Requirements
Primary Savings (share) 0.05% 0.05% $5.00
Secondary Savings, Cash for College 0.05% 0.05% N/A
Youth Accounts, Holiday Savings 0.05% 0.05% $5.00 - Youth
$25.00 - Holiday
Ultimate Checking
$0-$15,000 Meets Req.
1.98% 2.00% N/A
Ultimate Checking
$15,001-$50,000  Meets Req.
2.96% 3.00% N/A

Ultimate Checking

$50,001+ Meets Req.

4.89% 5.00% N/A
Ultimate Checking
Does Not Meet Req.
0.00% 0.00% N/A
Freedom Checking
$0-$15,000 Meets Req.
2.47% 2.50% N/A
Freedom Checking
$15,001-$50,000 Meets Req.
3.45% 3.50% N/A

Freedom Checking


4.89% 5.00% N/A

Freedom Checking
Does not meet Req.

0.10% 0.10% N/A
Business Checking 0.10% 0.10% N/A
Health Savings Account 1.00% 1.00% $100

Dividends on all savings will be compounded and credited monthly. Dividend period calendar Monthly. The dividend rate and APY may change monthly as determined by the StagePoint FCU board of directors.

The Annual Percentage Rate is accurate of the last dividend declaration date. Ultimate and Freedom Checking Requirements and Money Market transaction limits disclosed in Truth In Savings Disclosure. Fees can reduce earnings on accounts. Rates and Terms are subject to change. Dividends are compounded and credited monthly. This Rate Schedule is incorporated as a part of your Account Agreement with StagePoint FCU. Additional Truth-In-Savings Disclosures are set forth in your account packet.

Money Market Accounts

Money Market account rates
Type of Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Minimum Average Daily
Balance Requirements
Money Market
0.50% 0.50% $2,500
Money Market
0.75% 0.75% $15,000
Money Market
1.00% 1.00% $50,000
Money Market
1.24% 1.25% $100,000
Money Market
1.49% 1.50% $250,000

Money Market Maximizer

3.50% 3.56% $150,000

Transaction limitations: The limit of withdrawals or transfers is six (6) in a calendar month. Dividends will be compounded and credited Monthly. The dividend rate and APY may change monthly as determined by the StagePoint FCU Board of Directors.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

IRA account rates
Type of Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Minimum Average Daily
Balance Requirements
Individual Retirement account (IRA) 1.00% 1.00% $100.00

Dividends on IRA shares will be compounded and credited quarterly. The dividend period is a calendar quarterly. Also, certificates are available under the IRA program. The dividend rate and APY may change monthly as determined by the StagePoint FCU board of directors.

Share Certificate Accounts

Share Certificate account rates
Terms Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield  Minimum Average Daily
Balance Requirements
6-MONTHS 4.25% 4.33% $500.00
12-MONTHS As high as 4.00% 4.07% $500.00
24-MONTHS As high as 4.25% 4.33% $500.00
36-MONTHS As high as 4.25% 4.33% $500.00
48-MONTHS As high as 4.25% 4.33% $500.00
60-MONTHS As high as 4.25% 4.33% $500.00
12-MONTH - YOUTH 4.00% 4.07% $50.00-$3,000.00

Dividends are compounded and credited on the last day of the month and at maturity. Option for dividend payment designation upon certificate opening. 90 days of dividends for 3, 6 & 12 months, 180 days of dividends for 18, 24, 36, 48 & 60-month share certificates will be assessed when funds are withdrawn prior to maturity. The Annual Percentage Yield is accurate of the last dividend declaration date. This Rate Schedule is incorporated as a part of your Account Agreement with StagePoint FCU. Additional Truth-In-Savings Disclosures are set forth in your account packet. Revised January 2025.

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