
Skip A Payment

StagePoint Federal Credit Union offers Skip-a-Payment* twice a year; summer (June, July, August) and holiday (November, December, January). You can elect to Skip-A-Payment* on each of your loans during the Skip-A-Payment months.  If you are experiencing difficulty in making your loan payment not during these designated months, complete this form and someone will be in contact with you. 

*Skip-a-Payment is available only on your auto, RV, or personal loans on member accounts in good standing and with current insurance. Skip-a-Payment may be utilized on established loans with a minimum of 6 (six) previous full payments. Skipping a payment and accrued interest will extend the maturity date of your loan. All other terms remain unchanged. Skip-a-Payment is subject to approval. A $35 fee will be charged for each loan you choose to include in the Skip-A-Payment program. There is a maximum of 6 (six) Skip-a-Payments per loan. 

Select how to pay for your $35 fee:*

  1. Loan Extension Requests are subject to approval and are not guaranteed.
  2. Interest will continue to accrue on the unpaid balance of the loan.
  3. All unpaid interest and any applicable fees will be collected before principle at the time of the next payment.
  4. By utilizing this extension, the maturity date of the loan will be extended by one month.
  5. All other Terms of the Note and Security Agreement or Retail Installment Contract remain in full force and effect.
  6. Waive all claims for exemption of liability as a result of said extension.

A fee of $35.00 for each loan must be collected before a Loan Extension will be processed.

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